Saturday, April 12, 2014

We made it! Safe and Grateful for His Provisions

 The team was fabulous today!  They are modeling maturity and representing Christ so well.  We started the day at 4am in Ohio and arrived at Robin's Nest around 5pm.  We're finally settling down now around 10:30pm EST/9:30pm CST.  However, no one complained the whole day.  God is truly shining through them!  Customs and immigration were a bit longer than expected, but after finding two of our lost luggage, we were
on our way to Robin's Nest.  Once we showed up, kids came out of the woodwork and excited to see our group.  We played with them for an hour or so, then thought it might be wise to put our luggage away and get a tour from the director.
Robin's Nest Staff was so excited to see The Chapel again.  They commented on how they longed for this week to have a group like ours.

I didn't get many pictures today and so I apologize.  More will soon be coming.

Tomorrow we get to lead the entire church service and the group is excited.  After church, we plan to join Robin's nest on their once a week trip to the beach.  Bring out the sunblock!!

Sara, Abby, and Josiah all loved their first plan ride and had nothing but great things to say about their new adventurous experience flying the friendly skies!

Til tomorrow!

For Him Alone.....Tom

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